The fastest and most advanced front running sniper bot on the market. Easy to use. Start sniping within minutes. Available for all major blockchains. Now with the exclusive MEV (Miner Extractable Value) Sandwich Module. No minimum trading amount!
Don't miss another 100x meme and exit before it dumps. Generate profits from sandwiching other traders. Never lose money again on scam tokens.
With our advanced features and automated trading capabilities, our bot provides investors with a powerful tool for maximizing their investment opportunities.
As our bot is capable of front running other transactions, we have managed to be one of the fastest sniper bots on the market, outperforming most other sniper bots. As a result, our customers are able to consistently execute buy and sell transactions before all others.
Generate additional profit by automatically sandwiching transactions with a high slippage on the blockchain (This feature remains exclusive to our Premium Version).
Equipped with advanced and continuously enhanced scam detection capabilities and a risk based management system, we provide the best protection for our users to prevent you from any potential scams.
Many tokens have so-called antibot mechanisms to prevent them from being traded by bots. However, thanks to our antibot feature, our bot can bypass these measures and trade such tokens as well.
All major presale platforms are supported all blockchains.
Our bot continously scans the transaction pool to look for new token launches to snipe as well as profitable transactions with high slippage to be sandwiched (via Sandwich Module).
Maintain and run multiple bots simultaneously, even accross different chains.
The installation wizard guides you through all necessary steps to setup the MEV Bot. Of course you can change everything later on in the advanced settings.
When a new token is released on the network, there is often a rush of investors looking to buy in at the earliest possible opportunity, with the hope of making a profit by selling the tokens at a later date.
The primary goal is to become one of the first buyers, or even the very first buyer, of a new token. This is where our sniper bot comes in. It constantly monitors the blockchain's transaction pool, looking for new liquidity events or presale launches. When it detects such an event, it immediately performs a buy transaction, which will then be the first buy transaction as soon as the current block is added to the blockchain.
After some time (usually within a few minutes, based on our sniping calculation model), when other investors have bought that token, causing its price to rise, it will automatically sell the token at a profit.
In addition, with the new MEV Sandwich Module the Sniper Bot also generates profit from trades with high slippage.
All download links will be available immediately after your login (1). Install (or build from source code) and start the application (2). Open the 'Wallet Setup' and after a few wizard steps you are ready to go (3)!
Our software has no limitation in terms of service life. Just buy it once and use it forever.
Get the full source code, so you can review everything the application does and see every in and out. This also allows a maximum of flexibility and customization possibilites.
Our software is designed to be user-friendly, even for those who may not be tech-savvy. With recommended settings already in place, you can start sniping within just a few minutes. However, if you're interested in learning about all of the bot's features and functionality in detail, we also provide in-depth documentation that covers everything you need to know. This way, you can explore all of the bot's capabilities and take full advantage of its potential.
Our bot comes preconfigured with recommended settings for new users, but you have the freedom to adjust these settings manually at any time to suit your preferences. You are in complete control and can customize the bot to your liking.
Below you find some frequently asked questions we received from our customers.
With a single bot at the lowest feasible trading amounts (see below), you can expect to earn a few hundred USD per month on average. If you run multiple bots simultaneously on different chains (easily done via the dashboard) and increase the trading amounts, profits will significantly increase, and you can expect a four-digit USD profit per month on average.
There is no minimum amount required to use the application. You can start with any amount. However, if the amount is too low, the bot may not be profitable due to transaction fees. For example, on Ethereum, which usually has the highest fees of all chains, the minimum feasible amount to use is at least around 0.03 - 0.05 ETH to make it profitable. But again, this is not a minimum required by the application but rather chain-specific. On other chains with lower fees, like the BNB chain, you can start with even lower amounts.
No. The bot has an integrated wallet created during the setup process. The wallet is needed to fund the bot to start trading. You can keep just enough funds in the bot's wallet to keep it running and cash out the profits. You can even automatically cash out by setting specific thresholds (e.g., if the balance is above X, then cash out to address Y).
You always have access to your funds at any time. Providing an extreme example: You can put some money into it, start the bot, stop it after 2 minutes, and cash out. In case there are open trades or other open bot operations, you can decide whether to wait until the current operations have finished or force them to abort (this will stop all running trades, e.g., sell immediately or abort the current operation).
No, of course not! You are in full control of the application and your funds at any time. The only time the bot connects to our servers is during the integrated update process. We offer regular updates for our application, which you can install automatically if you want to. But this is optional. You can turn it off, and the bot will never connect to our servers. All updates can also be installed manually. Just log in to our site and get the latest update in the download section.
The application runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android.
Yes, the bot comes preconfigured with all necessary settings, and you can start right away. You don't have to worry about all the technical details if you just want to use it. However, if you wish, you can dive in and change everything to your liking in the advanced settings.
You can access the user dashboard with your Order ID. There you can download a new copy of your bot. In case you have also lost your Order ID, please contact us, and we will send a new link to your email address.
In a nutshell, when a new transaction is added to the blockchain the whole process is as follows: A new transaction must be signed by the private key (1) and is then being sent to a network of nodes (2). The transaction is initially placed in the transaction pool (3), where it waits to be validated and added to the next block by validators who prioritize transactions based on gas price and size (4).
Once a validator adds the transaction to their block, the transaction changes are visible on the blockchain (5).
Our sniper bot is constantly watching the transaction pool. Whenever our bot detects a new AddLiquidity Event, it performs a thorough analysis of the smart contract, transactions and tokenmonics to identify any risky or suspicious code or activity that could potentially be used to scam investors. Some common scam methods that the bot looks out are for example:
The Scam Check Result is then being displayed. In case no scam or even potential scam was found, it performs the snipe, and otherwise stays away from that token.
Our scam detection module is continuously updated to provide the highest level of protection. However, even if the bot has not yet encountered a particular scam code, it still conducts a risk assessment and checks for any red flags and stays away from that token to prevent any possible scams.
As soon as the bot has found a new AddLiquidity transaction (1) and no scam was found, it immediately buys that token (2).
Both the AddLiquidity transaction (yellow) and the buy transaction (red) are now in the transaction pool (3).
Since transactions are sorted by gas amount, the bot automatically sets a gas amount for that buy transaction slightly lower than the AddLiquidity transaction. As a result, the buy transaction will be placed right behind the AddLiquiditiy transaction in the new block (4), which makes the bot the very first buyer of the token when the block has been added to the blockchain (5).
This illustration shows an example of a token transaction list. Right after the AddLiqudity transaction, our bot has bought the token.
Then many other investors are buying this token too. This is especially the case in the very first minutes after a token launch.
After some time (based on our risk and profit calculation model, which comes preconfigured but can be customized to your personal preferences of course!), the bot automatically sells the token with a profit.
This is how it looks in the application. The corresponding AddLiquidity transaction plus all metadata of the token is being displayed (1) and a status of the current snipe further below (2). Depending on several factors (tokenmonics, amount, chain, user base, profit estimation etc.), the whole snipe takes from a few minutes to a few hours (of course, the bot can perform multiple snipes in parallel - this can of course all be configured to your needs!).
When the snipe is done (sell and buy transaction completed), the profit of this snipe is shown accordingly (3).
The price of a token is determined by the forces of supply and demand in the market. When someone buys a token, they are essentially increasing the demand for it, which causes the price to rise. Conversely, when someone sells it, they are increasing the supply of that token, which causes the price to fall.
It is important to know, that whenever a token is traded, one must specifiy the expected output amount, he wants to receive in return (e.g. I want to sell ten apples, which is worth 5 USD on the market. So I want to receive at least 5 USD (= output amount)). However, in volatile markets, it can make sense to set the output amount a bit lower, in order to get the trade processed (like 4,50 USD for 10 apples.). This percentage one is willing to receive less than the current market price is called "slippage".
This is where our sandwich module comes in. It constantly monitors the transaction pool for transactions with a high slippage.
As soon as such a transaction was found (1), our bot immediately executes a buy transaction right before and a sell transaction right after the target transaction (2).
This is again done via setting the gas amount accordingly. As a result, the target transaction will be in between the buy and sell transaction of our bot. Hence the name "sandwich" (3).
Via the buy transaction, the price of the token is temporarily increased to a level which is just about accepted by the target transaction based on the slippage.
After the target transaction we immediately sell the token and have extracted a nice profit from the slippage of the target transaction.
This screenshot is an example taken from the sandwich module of our premium sniper bot version.
Whenever a transaction with a high slippage was found, the bot immediately performs a buy and sell transaction, adjusting the gas amount in order to sandwich the high slippage transaction.
Each sandwich transaction just takes a few seconds. Thus, the extracted profit is immediately shown.
Altough the number of appropriate transactions to be sandwiched is limited, there are still thousands of transactions every day.